Combo Competition
JazzQuest Combo Competition – 16 - 19 June 2025
- The competition is for jazz combos (3-7 members)
- You band needs to give a 20-minute performance. Directly after the performance the judges will deliberate for approximately 10mins. Then, the judges will workshop with your combo for an hour.
- Your chosen repertoire should reflect a diversity of jazz styles and include at least one swing piece. We recommend that you perform without charts.
- A drum kit, piano, bass amp, keyboard amp, two guitar amps, three microphones, chairs and music stands (if required) will be provided for the performance.
- Results will be posted directly at the end of judging and all the combos are invited to perform one tune (chosen by the judges) from their repertoire at the Gala Concert at The Piano on Thursday 19 June. The concert will commence at 7.30pm.
All groups competing will receive a percentage mark and written comment. Assessment is based on technique, accuracy, musicianship, presentation and ensemble.
Groups will be graded in the above areas, and will be eligible for Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates in each section, as follows:
- Gold certificate: 85-100%
- Silver certificate: 75-84%
- Bronze certificate: 60-74%
In addition, awards will be presented for:
- Best musician
- Best original composition
- Best combo
- Best trumpet player
- Best trombone player
- Best bass player
- Best keyboard player
- Best percussion player
- Best guitar player
- Best reed player
- Best vocalist
Entry fees
- Combo - $25 per person including GST
General admission
We encourage the public to attend all competition sessions. Admission is free.
Admission for the general public to the Gala concert is $5 adults/seniors and gold coin for students.
Download the Jazzquest Combo Competition entry form (PDF: 0.1MB).
- Please have your application completed and entry fees paid by 5th May 2025.
Conditions of entry
- The competition is open to full time secondary school students. Bands with primary school students are able to apply for entry, and will be included in the competition if space allows.
- Participants must be 19 years of age or younger at the time of the competition.
- Schools can enter as many groups as they like.
- Individuals can only perform in a maximum of two combos.
- Schools may join to form a combo provided they stipulate this on the entry form. Only one entry form is required.
If you have any questions regarding JazzQuest, please contact Gwyn Reynolds at